What exciting jobs does a foundry actually offer?


Out of school and into companies, because where can you get to know and understand jobs better than locally? During the career orientation campaign days, the students from the Auf dem Schießberg comprehensive school were able to get a taste of WALZEN IRLE and get to know us, in addition to many other companies in the region. Specifically, this meant on 26.03.2019 for 7th grade students.

A tour of our foundry, a presentation of our dual training opportunities and even casting yourself. The students manufactured products in small molding boxes and were thus able to get to know one of our manufacturing processes. We sincerely hope that we were able to give young people an impression of the exciting working day in our foundry.

What exciting jobs does a foundry actually offer?

What exciting jobs does a foundry actually offer?

What exciting jobs does a foundry actually offer?
