Restart and review


Special events for new and familiar faces

The start of a new phase of life - nine young people started their training as foundry, machining and industrial mechanics at WALZEN IRLE on September 2, 2019. We are pleased to be able to accompany our new trainees on this exciting journey and wish everyone a good start in their professional life and every success in their training at our company.

We are convinced that well-founded dual education is the ideal basis for a professional career, because the close combination of theory and practice offers a wide range of development opportunities. Training is an investment in the future of young people and the company. With currently 21 trainees, we are making an important contribution to the future of young people in our region. In addition, needs-based training secures us specialists to whom we can offer permanent employment following their training.

While some have laid the first foundation for their professional life, other employees look back on their many years of work and their own start at WALZEN IRLE.

A total of seven 40-year service anniversaries and one 25-year service anniversary are reasons to celebrate this year. They all completed their training at WALZEN IRLE and have been part of the team ever since. We would like to thank the gentlemen sincerely for their long-standing cooperation and loyalty to the company. We look forward to working with you in the future as well.

Restart and review

Restart and review

Restart and review
